Darryl has adjudicated, taught and performed across the continent from teaching improv at Institute for Child Study / Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at The University of Toronto, The 519, Camp Eclipse Leadership Camp, Labrador Regional High School Drama Festival, Ontario Educational Leadership Centre (Ministry of Education), Labrador Creative Arts Festival, Newfoundland & Labrador High School Drama festival, to the SAK Improv festival in Orlando, Florida.

Taught at Armstrong Acting Studios

With the regional winners from Churchill Falls.

With students from my hometown of Labrador City.

It was so much fun! It was really cool to interact with other young actors and let our imaginations run wild! The activities we did were really fun, and it taught me about the side of acting I've never really learnt about before! Highly recommend. - EB
The Improv class that I attended this last year, taught by Darryl Dinn was an excellent experience for both me and all the other young people who attended. Darryl's extensive knowledge on improv and the theatre in general made the experience both fun and educational. A Great experience overall! SR
Incredibly knowledgeable teaching and intriguing unique acting exercises make this improv class a great, down the earth, relaxed, and fun atmosphere that helps actors of all levels of experience! Loved every minute of it! - JB
There are two things from this experience that jump out at me. First, how much fun it was. Second, how extraordinary Darryl was with those young people. A true practitioner of the craft of improv. He was masterful in his instructuction and he skillfully guided us from each exercise to the next. Not only did he help build our confidence but we made wonderful memories on the way. - MB
Taking Darryl's improv class totally pushed me out of my comfort zone (in the best way). Not only did I find myself having THE best time, through the experiential exercises, I learned so much about voice projection, comedy and more. I'm not an actor but I took the class anyway and I think everyone should take an improv class. Improv forces you to practice active listening, saying "yes", And teaches you to non-judgmentally support your peers. You are really pulled into the present moment in improv. - KB